
Thursday, April 29, 2010

the losers

movie review time kembali lagi~~~

kali ni dengan citer "the losers" yang baru ditonton secara solo di gsc tropicana city mall..

ahaha.. aktiviti celebrate birthday sensorang tu la.. hoho..

meh bak poster selai..

poster ni n all the main characters' pics, all credit to here..

hmm.. rupanya movie ni kuar 23 april.. i watched on 28, kira not bad la bagi orang yang dah berzaman2 tak ikut movie ni.. takpe2.. next time, berderet plak kang tengok movie manjang.. hoho..

actually takder dalam perancangan pun nak tengok ni.. i wished to watch "when in rome".. but then timing "when in rome" ialah kol 1.15 pm, while dis one ialah 12.00 pm n i arrived there around 11.30 am.. no choice la.. takkan nak tunggu lewat sangat.. takkan jugak nak tukar mall semata2 nak kejar "when in rome" jugak.. ika penah cakap cambest citer ni, harung jer la..

"the losers" ni boleh la di-assume-kan sebagai nama team 5 orang ni yer..

the story goes..

basically the team consisted of 5 pax.. iaitu clay, roque, pooch, cougar n jensen..

clay ialah perancang.. he's like a captain in "the losers" team gitu la.. he has dis sumkind of super cool n calm attitude.. his team-mates respect him a lot.. walaupun status sekarang as "deceased", but they still have him as their leader.. bercakap pasal "deceased", will explain later below yer.. sabar2..

this negro guy ialah the 2nd biggest character la dalam "the losers".. dia selalu cam memberontak n tak setuju dengan clay.. in one scene, bergaduh gila dengan clay sampai nak potong kepala clay ni after find out sumting2..

pooch.. comel betul dia ni.. in one scene, jensen called him as legless-pooch.. ni gara2 si pooch ni kene tembak kat both his legs/knees masa kene tahan kat port tu.. dibawak la ke hulu ke hilir oleh si jensen bila nak tembak2 ngan bad guys.. oh yer.. his wife pregnant n tunggu masa nak bersalin jer tu..

cougar ni dok diam2 jer.. tak banyak cakap.. macam jarang dengar suara dia jer pun.. tak penah plak bertekak cam yang lelain tu.. his trademark ialah dat hat.. takleh ader sapa2 kacau.. hoho.. but sumhow, cougar ni seorang penembak hendap.. he can shoot from far2 away dan sangat sharp..

jensen or sumtime they called him as "j" jer.. he's the geek.. the technology guy yang leh access all dat computer system n know about all dis computer stuff.. wondering, memang slalu movie omputeh wajib ader sorang geek dalam their team kan?? but even though a geek, he's gud dalam menembak2 jugak.. unfortunately, he was shot by aisha in one incident.. but then sampai ke sudah masih hidup la.. he has one niece yang play football n dia memang beria sangat nak tengok her team play..

berbalik kepada cerita..

they are actually military yang bertugas dalam hutan tu.. but they have their own ops la.. communicate using dat military radio {ala yang biasa kat dalam citer omputih pakai tu, tak tau la namenyer}.. the story started when they have to aim for fadhil {sum kind of terrorist ape ntah}.. when they already locked the target, suddenly baru ternampak children as baits kat tempat tu n they cannot stop peluru berpandu tu disebabkan interruption of sum guy here named max..

okey.. max ni sebenarnya high profiled person yang sangat2 dikehendaki.. he tried to make people from various country/place to build sumting for him.. then taknak bayar.. n killed pembuat senjata/bom yang dia nak tu.. kononnyer he wants develop senjata pemusnah yang akan sapu habis sesebuah pulau tu.. kiranya, when he already started to sell dis weapon, everytime akan ader jer pulau hilang dan the world map has to re-do all over again la gitu..

oh, macam complicated plak.. hehe..

sambung balik..

disebabkan tetibe nampak children tadi dan peluru berpandu tu takleh stop.. so diorang terpaksa masuk dalam kawasan tu n rescue all the kids before peluru berpandu sampai.. managed to run away far enough before the bus tercampak sumwhere ntah mana dalam hutan tu..

the helicopter yang nak rescue "the losers" sampai.. tapi diorang nak lepaskan budak2 ni, so the heli angkut la budak2 tak bersalah seramai 21 orang ni.. baru jer naik sket, heli tu meletup sudaa.. rupanyer memang nak bunuh "the losers" ni..

so then, they throw their rantai yang ader nama tu kat tempat bangkai heli tu n walk away.. kira status diorang as "deceased" atau telah meninggal dunia.. diorang ni kira dah tak wujud la gitu..

dis movie ada banyak scene sane sini di banyak negara..

i guess they were stranded in bolivia kot.. for several months la.. si jensen tu siap keje kat kilang anak patung lagi.. until one nite, si clay ni found aisha yang dirasakan hot n nak bawak ke bilik.. dis is not hotel room service okey, haha..

violence yang amat la pun diorang nyer permulaan nak beromen tu.. sampai suma benda hempas2 n the worst ialah sampai terbakar dikejekan bilik hotel tu..

aisha managed to bring them back to the states walaupun their status still bukan free sangat.. yer la, "deceased" kan?? kalau hidup bebas pun, mesti orang2 max ni bila2 jer nak bunuh.. so diorang ni still undercover la after sampai kat states pun.. she needs them to kill max badly.. kiranya cam timbal-balas la tu..

turn out rupanya si aisha ni anak kepada fadhil {yang diceritakan di atas tadi}.. she's like hot girl dalam citer ni.. ader intimate relationship with clay {oh, yang ni taknak citer lebih2 la.. tapi bukan la banyak sangat yang over tu pun, haha}..

roque memang marah gila sebab aisha ni cam betray them in one incident..

berlima, they planned to catch dis max kat satu port ni.. planning dah baek punya.. suddenly diorang kene tangkap jugak dengan orang max..

pity to clay, pooch, cougar n jensen.. rupanya si roque dah plan jahat to trap them sebab tak tahan dengan hidup cam refugees ni dah.. remember dengan watak si max tu?? he made people to build weapon for him, takmo bayar, siap "the losers" kene dapatkan 1 billion plak untuk dia..

ader satu watak wade ni.. dia assistant to max.. he once berkhidmat sekali la bersama2 "the losers" dulu.. disebabkan dia kenal clay n frens, dia pun turut bertanggungjawab nak membunuh "the losers"..

1 billion tu pun dah dapat.. masukkan dalam helicopter sambil diawasi oleh roque yang curang n has to take off dalam keadaan tergesa2.. dat time, si wade ni naik superbike ni konon nak langgar clay di depan heli tu.. cougar shot wade n wade terpelanting kat heli n menyebabkan heli terbakar n meletup n duit2 kertas bersepah2.. hohoho.. {memang cam sewel sket tulisan ni dan cerita ni, ahaha..}

wade n roque mati la dalam heli incident tu yer..

siap tu, si clay dok kejar max plak nak dapatkan remote control untuk bom tadi.. max dropped dat remote kat laut n clay berjaya dapatkan.. our hero save the world again..

pooch berjaya appear-kan himself depan wife nyer yang nak beranak tu.. so sweet..

ingatkan itu la ending nyer..

hmm.. max tak dibunuh yer.. masih selamat sehat walafiat lagi tak tau kat mana pas clay dapat remote tu..

after movie mesti ader credit kan?? rupanya ader sambungan sket pastu.. ramai2 pi join jensen tengok football tu.. beria2 plak nak cari gadoh ngan si referee.. sewel diorang ni.. haha..

poster ni credit here..

worth teramat my 6 hengget.. epi la jugak walaupun celebrate birthday sorang2..

i shall recommend for light watching la.. tapi tang violence tu memang takleh blah la.. teruk sangat.. adoi.. i hate violence..

hmm.. terlupa plak nak inform.. this movie nyer theme song ialah lagu glee - don't stop believing tu.. it is so funny when jensen dok nyanyi lagu ni sambil dengar ipod tu masa jadik ala2 despatch yang tukar baju dalam lift n ter-show-off plak kat the girls depan lift, tapi nak masuk office as orang technical pas call up admin manager sumting tu..

hillarious, bab nyanyi2 ni.. ahaha.. dis part memang geli hati betul.. tak masuk lagi time dia tembak security guard.. pakai jari pun boleh.. tapi sebenarnya, si cougar ni dok tolong dia tembak dari bangunan yang jauh dari bangunan tu, hoho..

took sum time jugak memikir lagu apa, sebab otak takleh pikir sangat.. tapi bila teringat lagu ni, memang sure gelak la.. takleh tahan dengan cara jensen dan the glee song tu, hoho..

tak tau plak ader video game nyer..

poster untuk video game plak kat sini..

out of 10, i give 7.. okey la kan.. hoho..

u can give it a try.. go see n go play.. hehe..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

my day is today

today is supposedly to be special..

supposed to be happy..

supposed to put smiling face on my day long..

but sumhow, everything is not too fine..

my day is not special enuf for me..

celebrating myself alone..

pagi2 amik offer letter for my new job kat tropicana..

sampai n siap awal, so decided nak merayap kat tropicana city mall, which is nearby..

bought sum earrings yang cute for the girls in the family..

watch "the losers" alone with sumkind 20 pax with only 3 girls in the cinema..

back home n online n received a lot of birthday wishes from frens n family..

having sum fight with him..

guys just don't understand n terlalu ego..

selalu nak pikir he's right n me wrong..

run after when not yet..

but ignore when u got me..


why can't u just admit n say sorry dat u're wrong n accept me as how i am for just one day..

i'm so tired of always being the left-one n the one yang kene mengalah, sentiasa..

just delete everything about my day, don't have to wish, don't have to prepare to meet me, don't ever celebrate with me again..

is it too wrong for asking sum early sweet wishes on my birthday like the other girls??

malas la nak ungkit2 suma ni, but how long can i resist dis??

yes, i took the risk, but i do luv n care n miss like everybody else n no one just like me..

it is just so true when people say forgiveness is the cure for all problems..

p.s: credits shall be for all the source of the pics, thank you..

Monday, April 26, 2010

hadiah untuk pengantin 2

tips2 membeli hadiah untuk pengantin disambung lagi..

for dis 2nd sequel, mungkin ader beberapa lagi item yang akan ditambah untuk dijadikan panduan kepada pembeli2 hadiah pengantin.. hohoho..

entry sebelum ni boleh la di-refer kat sini yer..

3. bedding set

first n foremost, pengantin baru biasanya menggunakan katil jenis queen.. iyer lah, dah berdua takkan nak pakai katil single orang bujang kan??

jenis ni..

oh, abaikan la bantal2 yang banyak2 tu.. sonoknyer banyak bantal~~ credit original picture from here..

pengetahuan mengenai jenis katil ni boleh digunakan untuk memilih jenis bedding set yang akan dibeli.. kebiasaannya, we do not have to opt for the king size bed.. sebab king size lebih mahal n cost lebih berbanding queen.. so, kita anggapkan sebagai queen la untuk situation baru2 ader teman peluk malam2 ni, key..

corak yang dipilih, jangan la girly-gurly sangat.. we have to think yang the bed now will occupy by 2 different sexes.. kang susah nak accept plak for the husband.. hoho..

original credit from here.. eh, ader cam ala2 sket my background for blog la..

okey2.. seterusnya..

design yang sesuai dipilih.. lembut mata memandang n kaler tak garang {kang takleh tido plak sakit mata tengok flashing colours}.. corak tak berserabut dan grown-up nyer design la.. cam gini pun okey jugak.. jangan plak pilih kartun2.. tak sesuai tu..

got dis from here.. lembut kaler nyer..

yang ni from here.. corak unique sket, tak berapa garang n tak serabut la.. ader kelainan sket..

corak garis2 from here.. ni design selamat untuk bagi pengantin.. sebab garis2 cam boleh diterima for both husband n wife..

haa.. kaler2 yang ditunjukkan dalam post ni cam contoh jer la yer.. jangan plak ikut bulat2.. jadik panduan sket2 jer.. hoho..

if we go to the mall {bukan the mall kat pwtc tu yer}, ader macam2 design n price for this bedding sets.. sumtime we can get bedding set without comforter with the same price dengan yang ader comforter.. terpulang la mengikut citarasa n ketebalan poket tu.. yang penting, hadiah diberi dengan ikhlas kepada pengantin..

sedikit tips.. on why bedding sets sesuai dijadikan hadiah pengantin..

credit from here.. dis is net-type of cadar pengantin..

familiar tak dengan dis type of set for the bridal bedding?? yang berkerawang2 bunga dengan benang emas?? atau ber-net dan sulam2?? memang biasa untuk perkahwinan melayu kan.. kadang2 mungkin berlabuci segala lagi.. yes, it looks really nice for photograph session.. selalu pengantin mesti posing atas katil, kan?? cam ala2 wajib gitu..

dat's why.. tak salah pun nak berposing tu.. posing/amik gamba/to show purpose tak sama dengan keperluan untuk tido yer.. most of the times, pengantin not too comfortable with dis type of cadar/bed sheet kalau untuk tido.. jangankan pengantin, kalau bagi kat orang2 biasa bukan pengantin pun tak suka jugak.. dengan benang yang menggatalkan kulit, labuci tajam.. oh, sakitnyer badan kalau terkena.. nak2 plak masa ber-ehem2.. haha..

back then, ader my fren citer la.. on the nite nak tido sekali tu memang tak selesa dengan all these items on bed.. my present sampai sebelum diorang nikah n she opened before majlis lagi.. terus teringat n tukar cadar pengantin with my present.. wah~~ luckily she opened early n ready-to-wear sudaa.. ni la, untuk keselesaan pengantin jugak kan..

lagi satu we have to remember.. pengantin nyer schedule is tight n extremely busy before the wedding.. mane nak urus katering.. takut baju pengantin tak muat/tak siap before the date.. pa system tu available tak.. cukup tak flower girl/budak kompang.. appointment ngan tok kadi.. goodie bag untuk tetamu.. dapat tak book mak andam yang ter-best.. haa.. pengapit sempat tak datang sebelum majlis.. oh, memang macam2..

hmm.. harus lah kalau bedding comfortability ni terlepas pandang.. sumtime diorang buka hadiah malam pengantin.. dapat la digunakan secepat mungkin.. jadik hadiah 1st yang boleh digunakan oleh pengantin ni.. haha, mencatat sejarah gitu..

bedding set with comforter ni quite besar.. cam ala2 nak balik kampung gitu.. u can always choose only the bed sheet set.. with size of rectangular dan flat, mudah nak send by pos laju, courier atau nak bawak by hand ke umah pengantin.. nak wrap pun senang by using only 1 piece of wrapping paper.. hoho..

lagi satu.. pemberian bedding set is a practical gift.. selagi tak koyak/rosak, selagi tu la boleh digunakan untuk dipakai harian.. kurang2, mungkin seminggu setiap kali jugak melapik tilam tu.. mane tau kalau selesa sangat, pas basuh pun pakai balik dat one..

nowadays, kalau boleh.. nak la pengantin full utilize for their presents ni.. takmo la kalau sampai pengantin recycle plak untuk their frens sebab not practical enough.. by the way, kita pun kurangkan their bajet jugak untuk start for their new life kan??

mahal kalau nak beli bedding set?? ni bukan nak promote lah, but during my old days yang selalu sangat beli bedding set ni.. i always got sum branded ones with prices yang sangat unbelievable kat the store alam sentral, shah alam.. if the timing is right, i can easily get the best quality n material for bedding set with my budgets of below rm 120.. itu plus comforter la.. kalau takder comforter, lebih2 murah.. sumtime pun leh dapat gud price jugak kat jusco n other hypermarkets {giant, tesco}.. need a lil' bit of window shopping, then u can survey the prices.. hoho..

oh, tips kali ni involve 1 item jer.. so abaikan la "beberapa item" seperti yang ditulis kat atas tu.. cam best plak nak elaborate panjang2 ni.. fun n care for sharing.. ^_^

Sunday, April 25, 2010

promote blog 1: null & alternate

emm.. rasanyer cam nak tambah la another category kat dalam blog ni..

dinamakan sebagai promote blog.. yang akan diberi siri2 secara berturutan.. hehe..

my 1st post untuk promote blog ni.. goes to:

the blog title ialah null and alternate..

pemilik nyer, a guy name mr cero..

he explains a lot about his header ni kat sini.. cam susah nak re-phrase la.. leh cek-kid-daut sini yer..

quite impress jugak with sum of the posts.. bring out sum other perspectives in life.. differences dat u can find in the net kalau terlebey rajen..

lom khatam lagi explore his blog, but sum of outstandings..

sudut pandangan berbeza..

nama saya tembikai dan saya comel..

lipat kertas masterpieces..

cute jugak kengkadang about his story of dat converse mysterious girl.. i give my full support to u bro~~ hopefully ader bunga2 chenta with dat cute girl..

encik cero ni pun suka bagi teka-teki okey.. sumtime yang tak dapat dipikir dek akal pun ada.. macam ni..

most of his entry ialah sangat cool.. sajer jer nak promote his blog sini, nak share ngan kawan2..

p.s: adeh, sebab dah terlalu banyak blog-walking, ala2 dah terikut pulak promote2 blog ni.. takpela kan.. sekali-sekala.. leh la cek-it-out, no fuss here.. ^_^

for mr cero, keep up the gud work key??

Thursday, April 22, 2010

it's complicated

cam berbunyik serius pulak bila tulis it's complicated.. ibarat perhubungan dalam frenster/fesbuk.. hohoho.. oh, ini tak terlibat jugak ngan masalah perhubungan yang melanda sekarang yer.. not enuf yet kalau nak dikategorikan untuk status tu..

actually is another movie review in dis blog.. my last review ialah untuk charlie and the chocolate factory.. berbulan jugak la for the next review.. hehe..

akhirnya menjejakkan kaki kat wayang selepas bertahun2.. {is it, is it??} haha..

i was confused and sakit kepala to make decision on menjadikan i takder life with the offering of a new job.. scared jugak bila tau yang i won't be following 9-5 type of office hour.. mungkin around 12 am or 2 pagi baru balik umah.. mungkin on sunday pun kene datang jugak.. mungkin i have to stay overnite.. hmm.. dah la hujan pas balik interview tu.. but lastly, i decline without informing {kinda rude} sebab tak sanggup kalau macam takder rehat langsung in life.. leh jatuh sakit gini..

decision dibuat dengan serta-merta untuk kuar with rina to alamanda, putrajaya.. supposedly nak pi mid valley by train, tapi kang balik lewat sangat plak.. ader yang kene tinggal ngan tren ni..

so, driving to bangi area uniten sane.. pickup rina after maghrib before proceed to alamanda..

ahaha.. memang ala2 complicated story bersempena tajuk post dan tajuk movie..

makan kat burger king before wayang start around 10 pm..

ni poster nyer yer..

credit to dis hak milik..

dapat link ni from gamba yang ada dalam dis blog..

here it goes..

mengisahkan jane {meryl streep} yang dah berpisah with jake {alec baldwin}.. diorang divorce ni pun sebab si jake ni beria2 nak kawen ngan si agnes {lake bell}.. sum kinda hot latin girl gitu sket la appearance dia.. but, tak tau la.. aderkah??

the story started with a gathering kat their fren's house di tepi pantai.. oh, rupanya si jake n jane ni akan membincangkan regarding their son nyer convocation.. disebabkan dah bercerai, tapi mestila nak spend time masa konvo same2 kan??

a lot of 10's there.. sum kind indicate cam diorang dah bercerai selama 10 tahun..

jane is alone kat umah besar tu.. anak2 suma tinggal jauh.. seorang miss j {janda} statusnyer.. she's a successful career woman, ader bakery sendiri.. besar n femes jugak bakery dia tu.. oh, kalau ayep dengar mesti jeles.. haha.. jane ni sedang berkira2 untuk membesarkan rumah tu n so dia ader her peberet architect yang tau suma kriteria yang dikehendaki untuk umah tu la kira..

during their stay kat new york where their son konvo tu.. terjadik-lah insiden yang tak disangka2.. jake has fall in luv again with jane dan diorang stat beromen pulak.. dis including dalam bilik nyer stuff yer.. jane's future son-in-law selalu tersepit dalam hal ni, sebab dia ni cam ala2 witness plak when he always got to see dat sumting2 regarding hal jane-jake kat hotel n rumah jane..

as informed above about the architect.. namanyer adam {steve martin}.. hensem jugak untuk 50's.. haha.. semakin2 bekerjasama with jane, he fell in luv jugak to her.. duda ni segan la plak nak ngorat kan.. but he always try to do sweet things with her..

okey.. jake ni sebok dok ajak rujuk la gitu.. but he already has a wife n a son {yang bukan his}.. si agnes ni muda, jake dah tua.. mesti ada ala2 konflik gitu.. iyer lah.. during dat 50's patutnya tengok anak konvo, bukan nak attend kindergarten kan.. jane pun cam ada hati jugak dengan adam.. but most of the time, she felt like falling in luv again dengan jake..

lama-kelamaan, jane ni cam tersedar semula.. like everything yang terjadik is not rite.. jake already divorce with agnes tu.. then mengharapkan jane.. but jane choose to be with adam as the happy ending..

hmm.. what i've learned from dis movie?? as for the divorce parents.. anak2 sebenarnya yang lebih terseksa.. yes, memula nampak 2-2 parents berada di rumah, having fun times together.. n suddenly dah bercerai.. kurang kasih sayang from the other side yang tak bersama dalam umah tu.. maybe kat skool pun rasa sket tertekan n kurang keyakinan diri as the result of that broken family..

actually when jake n jane tu kantoi {during the webcam incident}, anak2 bertiga tu tak tahan n terus angkat kaki from umah jane.. they sleep together in the room n cry sebab tak sanggup terima if jake come back to their mum.. for them, luka sebab bercerai tu dah cukup dalam.. n kalau tetibe have to be together again, they don't really know how to react.. lagipun, jake {their dad} dah meninggalkan their mum n menyebabkan jane sengsara then cam sekarang nak berbaik semula?? oh, no-no-no.. they are not willing to sakit hati again for this..

another lesson learnt.. we gotta have our own besties jugak.. there are always time that we have sumting to say, tapi takleh nak sebarangan cakap ngan ordinary frens.. mungkin akan membawa kepada shame ke atau judgement from others dat not really know who u are.. so we need them to give their opinion or the best advice.. sumtime we'll be so blinded of a certain complicated situation n we cannot think of a rational decision.. but they can.. besties usually will be our good listener, good advicer n able to show what u're lacking of.. having besties means completing each other, sharing gud n bad times n like frens of life..

in dis movie, jane has three of them.. suka gossip2 bila anything regarding agnes come in discussion.. memang cam girlies sket walaupun suma pun dah in 40's above.. n they also gud in giving advices n moral supports to jane in dat complicated situations.. we shud have ourself jugak.. we never know what will happen in the future.. sebab tu orang selalu cakap, kawan masa senang tu ramai.. tapi kawan yang akan bersama masa kita susah tu, boleh dikira dengan jari..

oh, terasa cam pakar motivasi plak.. hehe..

oh yer.. citer ni kadang2 ader cam dirty sket.. dah hint2 sket tadi kat atas bout dat romen n webcam yer.. haha.. not suitable untuk underages.. :p

hmm.. the movie is nice.. disebabkan choices tak banyak kat alamanda tu, so we decided on this story.. not our 1st choice pun.. ni kira movie orang veteran la ni.. story about divorced couple n their conflicts on getting back together or move on.. haha.. the air-cond is okey.. i'm having my pashmina to cover me sepanjang wayang..

but sumhow, viewer kat sebelah kanan i ni dok sebok makan yong-tau-foo type of food n left us bau yang sangat tidak selesa.. pashmina tu dok cover my nose for the whole story.. sakit kepala.. the viewer sebelah kiri plak, agaknyer bau stokin yang menyesakkan si rina plak.. why la viewer kat wayang ni takleh stick with the rules n regulation of cinemas.. wet food pun makan kat dalam wayang?? weh, baik ko makan nasi lemak sambil dok bersila terus kat ruang depan tu.. so annoying.. adoi la..

getting home n a bit relief.. my dear bestie pun gave gud advice to me on the job offer.. kurang sket stress tu.. tambah plak bila my dear campur tangan with dat job offer.. hmm.. serabut rasanya.. i'm able to think again selepas my mind dah free n relief.. lapang la sket rasanya when i decided to refuse that offer..

drop si rina ni balik umah.. luckily her house tak jauh sangat ngan jalan belakang alamanda tu.. n straight balik shah alam where my mum plak dok tunggu anak pompuan dia sorang ni tak sampai2 umah lagi..

so dear.. thanks for being there for me.. u always able to give good advice for me when i'm down.. bukan sekali ni jer, dah banyak kali pun.. thanx a lot for lending ur ears for me..

p.s: terasa2 nak tengok when in rome la.. macam best jer.. saper nak blanje yet to employ ni?? haha..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

pengajaran tentang mencari kerja: part 1

post ni dedicated to those yang nak mendapatkan panduan untuk involve dalam pasaran keje..

there are several types of people searching for jobs.. antaranya:

1. baru lepas spm n nak cari part-time job {kes biasa}
2. baru grad n nak stat masuk pasaran keje {kes biasa}
3. drop-out from school {ni sensitif sket, tapi it's a reality}
4. sedang bekerja tapi diberi notis on termination {pity if never thought will get dat letter}
5. sedang bekerja tapi nak cari new job {kes biasa, mungkin bosan dengan keje sekarang n wanna seek for new experience}
6. berhenti keje without backup job awaiting {kes luar biasa, like mine}
7. berhenti keje on personal problems {means masuk balik pasaran keje after certain periods}

okey, mungkin ada yang lain lagi.. but later will add-lah.. huhu..

dis post gonna be sort of series.. so, takkan cover all parts la yer.. one at a time..

sambung lagi to the main parts of the entry..

my steps in point-forms tu ader refer sket2 to my module from english for occupational purposes during my 3rd year in umt.. special thanx to my lecturer, dr noraien mansor for the guidance to prepare me towards the working field.. all credits for steps, such as in the module are for her.. ^_^

basically, these are the steps untuk seorang pencari keje.. the steps listed will include some explanation n elaboration beneath la yer.. as always.. my post selalu tulis detail2 skali.. hoho..

1. preparing resume

resume/cv {curriculum vitae} ialah sebagai pengenalan diri pencari keje kepada bakal majikan..

biasanya, resume will include the contactable details of pencari keje {on top}.. meanwhile for the objective, education background, work experience, societies/activities, honors/awards, skills, personal qualities, additional information n references pulak kene ada separator/headings to ease the readings..

gamba berukuran pasport boleh dilekatkan skali di atas kanan resume.. if u are able to copy-paste passport-size picture pun okey jugak.. senang nanti interviewer nak kenal/tengok muka before interview..

type n size of the fonts must be easy-on-the-eye.. arial/times new roman is good n okey.. saiz yang dipilih between 10-12.. font n size yang berbeza2 akan mematikan mood bakal majikan sebab keadaan itu messy.. resume shud looks neat n clean.. also no typing errors n shud be appealing {menarik perhatian bakal majikan}..

2. prepare job application letter

ni kira cover letter la.. takkan la kita nak pi terjah terus kat bakal employer kan, tanpa anything to introduce u to the future employer.. perlu prepare, walaupun we send out our resume via email.. dis letter here, bukan semata yang untuk pos pakai setem tu yer..

a well-written job application letter will increase our chance to be seen by the future employer tu.. words use perlulah straight to the point n tak meleret2 yer..

job application letter shall include source of the advertisement, the most outstanding qualification, relevant knowledge, experience/involvement in extra-curricular activities {ko-ko}, other relevant skills, referring to the enclosed documents n ending the letter.. details on how-n-how will be on other entries, as informed earlier yer..

3. cari kejer

banyak medium untuk cari kejer.. either in reality.. or virtually.. ohoho.. ataupun, by recommendation..

for quick reach n senang nak touch, i suggest for those in searching to buy the star newspaper on saturday.. saturday edition only.. there are two sections of advertisement on vacancies inside.. u can easily cut n refer to any position without hesitation.. senang nanti nak bawak keratan kecik2 tu untuk prepare for resume submission.. takyah la nak bawak the whole suratkhabar besar2 tu kat meja sempit pc kan.. huhu..

if newspaper is a bit susah, u can always look tru the net.. there are some sites yang aspiring {memberi harapan} untuk pencari kejer ni.. u can seek from jobstreet, allyhunt n jenjobs.. ader yang lain jugak, but for me, these listed before are quite active in emailing reminders n job opportunities for their customers.. boleh jer seek for other sites, takder masalah..

usually, u have to register first n update 1 set of ur resume.. resume ni, sumtime u have to fill up the forms then they will create one.. sumtime we just upload ours.. make sure all the details tepat dan terkini la.. sumtime they will ask u to update the details regularly.. suma ni to make sure they are able to match the jobs with ur expectations lah kan.. win-win situation maa.. they got customers, u got the job.. gitu la kekdah nyer..

4. submission of resume

submitting the resume biasanye ada pair {pasangan}.. either resume n job application letter atau resume with job application letter n copies of certs.. atau resume dan copies of certs..

if via email, u can put ur job application letter for the content of the email.. n then resume as in the attachment.. dis one, selalu dibuat orang.. the most easiest n simplest way to submit ur details to the future employer..

if via post.. ni jarang dibuat, tapi sumtime ada jugak dibuat orang.. contents of the envelope will be job application letter, resume n copies of certs.. seelok2nya gunakan envelope saiz besar tu, iaitu bigger one size than the a4 paper.. usually orang tak lipat dis resume all yer.. dat's why pakai envelope saiz besar.. put the attention outside to the hr dept of that particular company.. lambat sket la kalau bakal employer nak call.. tau2 jer lah by post kan..

if walk-in.. sumtime, the office itself will advertise by banner/bunting or u come by recommendation by a sumone from inside atau dikenali by any person there.. ataupun, they advertise but u feel to terus walk-in jer tanpa email/arrange interview dulu.. ur preparation shall include the resume n copies of certs.. biasanya, u have to fill up form {the company's} n submit to them upon the interview session.. kadang2, they will require ur resume n copies of certs.. sumtime, tak.. but untuk selamat, bawakla siap2..

5. interview session

interview session biasanya akan dibuat di office tu.. sumtime, ader jugak dining appointment type interview.. but that's jarang walaupun ada.. maybe if u seeking for sales n marketing, u can get dis type of interview opportunities..

usually, personnel from future employer will call to inform n arrange the session.. hr/admin selalunya yang akan call up.. please arrange for proper time, such as around 10 am atau 3 pm.. ni masa2 selamat.. biasanya, at dat time everything dah settle down sket.. kurang sket busy atau boleh spare time sket selepas rushing pagi2 around 8-9 am.. around 12 pm, interviewer pun dah sibuk mood for lunch.. tak tenteram plak interview dis time bila perut dah berbunyik2.. kalau petang around 2 pm plak, orang baru balik lunch kan.. n nearly 4-5 pm dah stat mengemas nak balik.. so kacau sket la timing tu.. takut mood interviewer kureng sket, so akan spoil-kan ur chance on getting the job.. or else, if the interviewer set time tu sendiri.. itu bermaksud that they will probably spare their time on the interview.. mungkin they only free on that particular time jer kot.. u can agree on the proposed time gitu..

tips biasa.. u have to be early.. prepare/practice on how n what to speak during interview.. pakai pakaian yang berwarna conventional sket.. i suggest blue is gud for both girls n guys.. kalau pink, kurang sket la peluang tu.. tak tau kenapa.. girly kot.. huhu.. for girls, mekap2 sket.. for guys, trim2 n be hensem sket.. presentable n be ready for the interview la yer..

adeh.. terlupa plak nak inform benda paling penting ni.. ahaha.. in order to attend the interview, other than the tips given above.. hmm.. u must bring ur original certs yer.. letak dalam clear folder gitu, memudahkan kalau interviewer nak membelek2.. susunan plak, mestila mengikut the latest achievement/activities.. let's say ur qualification will start from ur degree, terus ke belakang sampai la upsr.. begitu jugak untuk certs ko-ko kalau ader..

perhaps, u can also prepare one copy of ur latest updated resume.. sumtime they will ask to get from u, lebih2 lagi kalau tak penah send copies for them before the interview.. u also have to prepare one set of certs.. tak perlu the whole clear folder la.. cuba fotostat the most important certs.. macam ur degree, muet, ur spm.. kalau ader certs attending workshop of things related to what u're applying now pun boleh.. mungkin certs bengkel akta kerja ke, accounting certs atau attending short courses on computer programs ke.. that's one gud advantage u know.. who knows, u might get dat job becoz u have dis extra effort.. hmm..

6. result of the interview

sumtime u akan tau straight during the interview.. sumtime dia bagi hint2 sket, then terus offer salary n other stuffs.. sumtime when u feel so comfortable with the interview, u sendiri akan rasa accepted.. sumtime they will inform u by phone calls after the interview.. sumtime u will feel urself before the result show.. {eh, macam so you think u can dance plak, hehe}..

untuk lebih meyakinkan.. please sign ur offer/appointment letter first before stat work.. letter tu will state ur basic salary, position n date of start work.. ader jugak conditions of working n other relevant infos dat u need to know.. but that 3 items will confirm that u are getting dat job already.. so then u can start to prepare for ur next new job la gini..

7. start to work

on the date, please come early.. be punctual {dat's what failing my job advancement, sedih, tapi serve me rite}.. dress appropriately, bukan dress-to-kill yer.. bawak la apaper yang patut.. be ready to work, impress, perform n success..

hmm.. later i will make entries on the other parts of getting hire..

til then, selamat mencari keje kepada yang in-searching.. gudluck!!! ganbatte~~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

cute stories from cute girl

blog walking does benefit jugak la kan??

besides kenal lebih banyak kawan2 in cyber space ni.. leh jugak improve our knowledge in certain things n area.. n quite cherish our boredom..

i really2 tak ingat from where i click this link, but check-it-out what i found during i berjalan2 ni..

comey sangat budak kecik ni.. cuba dengar sebutan french masa dia bercerita dan kita baca plak citer dia dalam english.. comey sesangat.. ^_~

miss capucine with once upon a time story..

dis one plak.. miss capucine with return of the hippos..

ohoho.. comey2 dak kecik ni..

tapi yang 2nd video ni cam kurengg sket.. sebab percakapan tak sama ngan subtitle, then gerak gamba pun cam slow-mo gitu.. itu yang kureng la.. but still cute..

really tak ingat previously klik kat which blog, but i credit to them for dis both videos la..

enjoy the cute story.. hehe..

Friday, April 16, 2010

kuih pau

kelas memasak kita disambung lagi today.. hoho..

kali ni, kita buat kuih pau yer..

recipes taken from mamak dan mami.. tapi rupanyer selepas dibelek2 oleh my mum, she already having the same recipe dah bertahun2 lamanyer since kitorang bebudak lagi.. cuma, dah lama tak buat.. so tak aware pun.. but anyhow.. credit to mami for the recipes yer..

p.s: i only try the safest recipes.. resipi yang orang dah try dan menjadi.. not really into try-n-error.. huhu..

setelah selesai men-transfer gamba, kita teruskan dengan resipinyer yer.. hehe..


250 gram tepung gandum
15 gram fresh yeast
1/2 sudu kecik garam
2 sudu kecik baking powder {tengok betul2 yer dis one, jangan silap}
3 sudu besar gula
2 sudu minyak
125 ml air suam


memula sekali, ayak tepung ke dalam mixing bowl..

masukkan garam {sori gamba ni menegak pulak}..

masukkan baking powder {sori gamba ni menegak jugak}..

masukkan gula..

kacau bahan2 tadi dengan sudu supaya bahan2 tu tersebar rata dalam mixing bowl..

next, buatkan lubang di tengah2 mixing bowl tu..

fresh yeast yang telah ditimbang..

masukkan yis di tengah2 lubang tu..

masukkan 3/4 air ke dalam lubang tu dan boleh la start menguli suma bahan2 tu..

masukkan minyak dan sambung menguli lagi..

kalau adunan tu terasa kering sangat, kita tambah air suam tadi yer.. tapi kalau terasa2 lembik pulak, kita kene tambah tepung lagi.. pastikan adunan tu dalam keadaan baik.. iaitu, tak melekit sangat kat jari tapi lembut gitu bila diadun..

for a safer way, boleh la diuli dengan mesin yer..

hasilnyer gini la selepas diuli..

adunan yang siap tu, kita tutup dengan towel dan biarkan selama setengah jam dan lebih supaya adunan tu naik cantik..

actually, kalau kita biarkan lebih lama pun okey.. sebab semakin lama dibiarkan, adunan akan semakin kembang dan semakin geram.. hoho.. kalau nak tinggalkan semalaman pun okey jugak..

selepas tamat tempoh menunggu tu, boleh la dicubit2 kecik adunan tadi dan dibuat bulat2.. seterusnya, digelek2kan dengan roller supaya nipisnya sekata jer.. sebelum letak adunan, kita taburkan sket tepung.. tepung ni untuk bagi gebu kat kulit pau nanti.. tepung tu kira tabur2 sket setiap kali nak gelek la gitu..

letakkan inti di tengah2 pau tadi.. like my one, i letak inti kelapa.. inti kelapa nyer resipi takder sini yer.. kalau ader request baru akan di-upload sebab not done by me.. hoho.. kalau dis size of pau, boleh letak 1 sudu besar inti kat tengah2 tu.. tapi jangan bagi over loaded sangat yer.. ni bukan pizza 10 layer tu.. hoho..

macam ni..

then kita tutup pau tu yang kelihatan cam sup bunjut tu.. terus letak dalam keadaan terbalik di atas kertas atau daun pisang.. jangan lupa tabur2 sket tepung dan usap2 sket tepung tu di atau kulit pau tu yer.. untuk lapik pau ni, i use daun pisang yang dah dipotong kecik2..

kalau mengukus dalam loyang sebelum dimasukkan dalam periuk kukus, kene pastikan ruang dia jauh2 sket yer.. sebab dia akan mengembang besar jugak.. so nanti terhimpit pulak dalam loyang.. nanti tak cantik tumbesarannya..

di tepi loyang dalam pinggan tu, nampak kan daun pisang yang dah dipotong kecik2 tu?? hoho..

macam ni ala2 hasilnyer nanti.. sebab tu kita kene jarakkan pau sebelum dikukus tadi yer..

dis one, kitorang kukus cara manual yer.. bukan pakai periuk kukus.. bagi yang takder periuk kukus pun leh guna cara ni..

tapi pastikan di dalam kuali tu, letak sesuatu yang dapat tinggikan sket loyang sebab kita nak isi air di dasar kuali tu.. then selepas tutup kuali tu, kita letak kain kat tepi supaya wap air yang dikukus tadi tak kuar n melambatkan pau tadi masak..

sedikit tips masakan untuk buat pau ni..

1. kalau berdasarkan resipi mamak dan mami, fresh yeast yang digunakan ialah 12 gram untuk 1 adunan.. tapi kita boleh genapkan samada 10 gram atau 20 gram.. okey jer, takder masalah..

2. untuk resipi yang menggunakan serbuk penaik, kita kene pastikan jenis serbuk penaik yang digunakan tu.. samada fresh yeast atau yeast kering.. samada baking soda atau baking powder.. kesilapan dalam menggunakan baking soda atau baking powder akan memberi kesan kepada rasa makanan yang kita sediakan nanti.. sesetengah lidah dapat merasa baking soda/powder ni kalau terlebih/tersilap guna bahan..

3. air suam tu boleh digunakan suma, tapi kene tambah tepung dengan lebih banyak la pastu.. but it's okey.. sebab nanti bila kita uli pun, akan guna lebih banyak tepung untuk menggebukannyer lagi..

4. sekiranya kita kurangkan sukatan baking powder, ini akan menyebabkan adunan tak dapat naik cantik dengan cepat.. kalau mengikut resipi diperlukan setengah jam untuk adunan naik sebelum diisikan inti, kita akan memerlukan lebih daripada sejam untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sama..

5. untuk mengukus pau, sebaik2nya kita didihkan sebentar air kukus tu sebelum memasukkan loyang berisi pau ke dalam periuk kukus.. hasil daripada amalan ni membolehkan kita menjaga masa yang konsisten untuk memasak pau..

6. untuk mengetahui samada pau yang dikukus telah masak atau tidak, kita perlu lihat berdasarkan keadaan fizikal pau tu.. sekiranya kulit pau nampak berkilat2, tidak syak lagi dan boleh diangkat tanpa was2.. tapi kalau kulit tu nampak tak cantik, suh jer dia dok dalam periuk kukus tu dulu.. sabar yer kalau nak makan pun, hehe..

outlook for my pau.. 3 bijik jer dalam piring.. ni bukan hidden mickey terbalik.. hoho..

my 1st try menggunakan hanya 1 adunan dan dapat menghasilkan sebanyak 11 bijik pau.. tapi saiz tak sama, ketebalan tak sama dan masak pun tak sekata sangat.. ader tepung yang kurang masak.. hoho..

but my 2nd attempt yang menggunakan 2 adunan dapat menghasilkan 19 bijik pau.. tapi dengan saiz dan ketebalan yang lebih kurang sama la gitu.. mak cakap kalau nak tau betul2 berapa boleh dapat, we have to timbang setiap bulat2 kecik untuk tau.. huhu..

oh yer.. terlupa pulak nak inform.. kukus tadi selama 10 hingga 15 minit.. sedang elok la tu..

to mami.. dis one memang credit for u.. thanks for the recipe sangat2..

today buat mi rebus muar, tapi takmo letak kat blog la.. haha.. wait for another recipe of my croissant.. coming for my next2 entry, kalau berjaya dengan best nyer.. hoho..