today is supposedly to be special..

supposed to be happy..

supposed to put smiling face on my day long..

but sumhow, everything is not too fine..

my day is not special enuf for me..

celebrating myself alone..

pagi2 amik offer letter for my new job kat tropicana..

sampai n siap awal, so decided nak merayap kat tropicana city mall, which is nearby..

bought sum earrings yang cute for the girls in the family..

watch "the losers" alone with sumkind 20 pax with only 3 girls in the cinema..

back home n online n received a lot of birthday wishes from frens n family..

having sum fight with him..

guys just don't understand n terlalu ego..

selalu nak pikir he's right n me wrong..
run after when not yet..

but ignore when u got me..

why can't u just admit n say sorry dat u're wrong n accept me as how i am for just one day..

i'm so tired of always being the left-one n the one yang kene mengalah, sentiasa..

just delete everything about my day, don't have to wish, don't have to prepare to meet me, don't ever celebrate with me again..

is it too wrong for asking sum early sweet wishes on my birthday like the other girls??

malas la nak ungkit2 suma ni, but how long can i resist dis??

yes, i took the risk, but i do luv n care n miss like everybody else n no one just like me..

it is just so true when people say forgiveness is the cure for all problems..
p.s: credits shall be for all the source of the pics, thank you..
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