
Saturday, December 19, 2009

charlie and the chocolate factory

sekarang ni tak berapa minat nak pi wayang la.. mostly rasanyer sebab buang masa n duit kot kalau nak spend my times there.. dah tua2 ni.. macam ader banyak benda lebih important daripada jejak kaki kat wayang ni.. kalau ader masa rehat tu, memang la berehat puas2.. kalau dapat tido 1 hari kat umah.. hoho.. sonoknyer.. zaman muda2 dulu pun tak berapa jugak la pi wayang sebab takder income sendiri n malas nak bersiap.. masa tua2 ni plak, malas nak spare duit n bersiap jugak nak spend separuh hari kat mall.. huhu.. {memang berkira nih.. huhu..}


sekarang kan dah tak lama kalau nak tunggu citer wayang kuar kat tv.. for the moment, kitorang belum subscribe hbo lagi kat umah.. tapi nanti kalau dah ada, memang ber-kampung la depan tv ni kalau boring n takder bende nak buat.. hoho..

semalam kitorang {me, ajim, faiz, shafiq n ika} berspend2 time yang bosan giler untuk tengok dis movie.. charlie and the chocolate factory.. released on 2005.. memang sure la takder masa nak pi tengok sebab dis time stadi kat terengganu yang takder wayang buat masa tu.. tak tau la plak sekarang dah ader wayang tak.. hoho..

credit to tenkiu2x..

meh sini.. peng-reveal nak ber-penglipur-lara.. haha..


charlie is the hero {budak2}.. he is a nice kid yang ada ikatan kekeluargaan yang kuat.. walaupun tempat tinggal poor n terhad.. tapi sangat mementingkan keluarganya in everything that he do..

meanwhile, willy wonka is the hero jugak {adult nyer}.. he own the chocolate factory untuk jenama coklat wonka.. he is the son of a dentist yang sangat mementingkan kesihatan gigi anaknyer.. just imagine, during halloween, willy dibenarkan pi collect candy n choc kat umah neighbours.. tapi, dia kene bawak balik to show to his dad n selepas ayahnyer mengomen, all the sweet things kene bakar kat pendiang {oh, betul ke ejaan dia ni.. hoho..}

1 day, while willy ngah suh oompa-loompa {his assistants yang sangat banyak n suma pun ber-rupa sama.. kecik jer tapi memang sangat taat la kekdah-nyer} potong rambut dia n suddenly he came across his 1st uban.. terus teringat yang dia akan mati la nanti.. so he decided to find a heir to run his factory.. his plan is to insert golden ticket inside the candy bar yang dijual di merata2 tempat..

there are only 5 golden tickets available dan dijumpai oleh charlie {as mention above, hero budak2}, violet {she's a chewing-gum girl yang tak henti2 mengunyah sampai la she learnt her lesson when he chew wonka's chewing gum yang turn her into a violet gigantic elastic ball}, veruca {she's a too demanding girl yang everything she wants, she has to have them.. end up masuk kat garbage sectors when she tried to steal the rabbit used to pluck the nuts}, mike {sangat berlagak serba tau betul.. slalu potong ayat willy n merendahkan willy n assume willy don't know anything n technology willy outdated, padahal sangat maju.. dia plak ending nyer jadi kecik coz masuk dalam transporter untuk send dia ke tv coz tv-size, orang-nyer memang kecik kan?? selepas tu, untuk stretch-kan, dia jadik sehelai sangat thin one n lebih tinggi dari his dad} n augustus {budak gemuk ni makan jer.. he is so greedy that he eats everything inside the factory.. memang suma nyer leh makan, tapi his mistake is when he try to slurp the chocolate river which cannot be touched by human.. akhirnya, he's getting sucked inside the pipe yang akan suck gallons of chocolate milk from the river}..

all the kids accompanied by 1 adult to the factory la.. so when 1 kid dah dissapear becoz of their own mistake, then the kid + the adult akan pegi bersama.. in the end, only left ialah charlie n his grandpa.. he is the winner of the day.. n hadiah nyer ialah own-ing the whole factory to himself.. but in 1 condition, which is must be there all by his own n no family is allowed for running the business..

charlie refused n didn't accept the precious offer.. willy come back n find charlie when his business macam fall.. dat time, charlie asked him to meet his dentist dad for the family-relationship thing.. soon, willy realize the importance of family bond in his life {dulu, dia run away from home sebab nak buka chocolate factory when his dad tak bagi dia balik umah dah}..

in the end, willy gembira jer bersama family charlie.. charlie own the chocolate factory n bring along his family to stay together n run skali kot..

best jugak la dis story.. ditayangkan kat tv3.. siap bersambung pas nightline lagi.. yang tak bestnyer tu, sebab terlalu banyak iklan when the story is supposedly dah lama end.. tension jer sebab today keje kan.. huhu..

another story review will be posted soon-lah.. i think i can be a good reviewer la.. {meng-komen jer kejer}.. what do u think?? hoho..


N a d i a said...

absolutely true!
bleh ape..
whenever u watch a movie or drama
boleh comment ape.
just ur own personal view kan?

i'll be the reader..


akak eskrem said...

wokeh bebeh.. i will..
later i'll write more review summore.. ^_~