plan time baek punya to get the tickets not too long before masuk wayang..
as usual, the poster..
amik gamba dulu before lampu ditutup.. macam nampak la sangat, hoho..
gelap jugak ah.. haha..
the story is about beth {kristen bell} n her luv life.. she's a workaholic event planner {oh, mungkin if i accept the event planner job my life akan jadi like hers!} yang hidupnya ialah all about works.. managed the big events n engaged with all the important parts of the events n trying to keep her boss impress ngan her jobs all the times.. nak jaga gud track records kan..
citer stat with her organizing an event {yang mana event tu berjaya}.. bertemankan beberapa best buddies/co-worker/colleagues, they did it.. unfortunately, tetibe his ex-bf datang to surprise her for a marriage.. tapi bukan sebenarnya..beth cam ala2 cuak ingatkan ex nyer nak berbaik n perhaps kawen ngan dia, but actually the ex jumpa beth n tell her dat he met sumone just like her n they plan to get married soon.. kawan2 beth tersilap dengar n tersilap shout yang menyebabkan the deejay tersilap paham sampai congrats beth siap pasang lagu kawen lagi.. haru2..
supposely the day ialah menggembirakan, tapi dah di-hampeh-kan dengan incident tu.. balik umah plak n melayan her younger sister.. dikejutkan dengan news dat her sister nak kawen with sumone italian yang kenal during flight tak sampai 2 minggu.. their planning is to marry in rome, which then forced beth to take a-48-hours-leave pi balik rome {sebab in tight condition of organizing an event} to be the emcee n pengapit pengantin perempuan during the wedding..
sum funny incidents happened during the wedding ceremony..
1st masa nick {josh duhamel my peberet hubby fergalicious} terkocoh2 masuk church untuk jadik pengapit laki pada masa yang sama his phone rings dengan sekuat2 hatinya.. annoying but cute dengan lagu yang ala2 rock or sumting meng-terkezutkan eveybody in the church.. 2nd during the breaking vase {pasu} as a symbolic nak tengok wedding couples tu akan hidup bersama bahagia selama berapa tahun.. si beth ni try baling2 vase tu {seperti dalam iklan} tapi tak pecah2.. nick penyelamat keadaan bila vase tu pecah dibaling di dinding, hoho..
3rd kononnyer la si nick ni nak jadik translator for everything beth's toast tu, tapi ending he failed n main taram jer translate ikut suka hati asalkan all the italianos paham dengan apa yang dibebelkan tu.. 4th plak the mother in law of her sis dok spitting kat beth.. si nick tu try to convince beth yang dat is done for gud luck, but maybe she doesn't like sebab beth ni buat macam2 yang mem-bad luck-kan pengantin baru.. haha..
everything when smooth.. beth pun ala2 fell in luv ngan nick masa diorang dance.. the excitement spoiled masa beth nak ajak nick minum kat area fountain of love {yang famous tu}.. out of nowhere, a red-dressed lady smooch nick n menyebabkan si beth ni betul2 patah hati..
beth sit at the fountain {air pancut} tu n drunk.. she acted out of control when she started to pick up the coins inside the air pancut there.. ader la 1 goddess {dewa} yang dok kat air pancut n the coins suma bertaburan kat bawah dalam kolam tu.. kononnyer orang dok baling2 coins tu nak cari jodoh gitu.. she picked up some before lari bertempiaran akibat disergah oleh polis nearby.. hoho..
kiranya si beth ni pi without saying gudbye gitu.. nak2 plak patah hati ngan si nick tu.. she works in new york.. 1 thing she doesn't know ialah everytime she picked up the coins tu, there are sumone out there cam star-struck gitu n macam under sumkind of spell.. dat spell brought all the coins owner to catch for their luv {pengutip coin a.k.a beth} sampai ke new york..
dengan tak disangka2, beth's life became miserable berhari2.. pi mana2 pun ader jer yang mengejar.. there are 4 of them.. seorang street magician yang tak penah perform in public tapi try out magics for beth.. seorang model yang ala2 stalk her sampai buka baju in a restaurant to impress beth.. seorang artist {pelukis} yang in his way to get her attention drew a nude mural of beth.. seorang veteran {50-an} sosej maker yang shower her with sausages.. memang weird when suddenly she got so many flower bouquets occupying her office's space, these 4 guys sentiasa berada anywhere near her n always try to catch her.. so babak berlari2 memang banyak la dalam citer ni..
hmm.. pasal nick yer.. he is a reporter.. famous as mangsa panahan petir/kilat during dat futbal game.. really likes beth n selalu jadi her saviour.. but sumhow, beth is so scared if nick luv her becoz of the spell.. dis is when she find out the same poker chips {salah satu coins yang dikutip ialah chip judi ni yer} kat umah nick which maybe belong to nick..
to stop dis spell, there are 2 choices for beth.. either fly back to rome n pulangkan coins tu kat dalam fountains tu.. or she has to return the coins back to the owner.. when the rite time comes to return, beth's assistant pi cilok plak all the coins.. menyebabkan beth n all the guys terpaksa datang ke art event {yang di-organize by beth's team} to get all the coins..
berlima menyempit2 dalam keter kuning kecik tu.. oho, menyelit2 gitu masa blackout n traffic jam.. dah ar kete tu cam lagi kecik dari kancil/viva.. haha.. kete kecik tu la yang squeeze masuk lift untuk naik ke gallery tu to get the coins back from beth's assistant.. chumill.. haha.. sumkind of tiba2 jer petir/kilat sabung-menyabung menyebabkan all the blackout when she returned the coins to the owner..
hmm.. nick pun ader share jugak yer dalam event tu.. he managed to get a painted picture yang dilukis oleh a famous artist dan bertemakan kesakitan/kepedihan.. n dat picture become the main attraction of the event n everybody happy with the outcome gitu..
beth rushing to nick's place {dat time ader party espn gitu}.. beria minta maaf gitu, but she doesn't return the coin pun.. memang surprise yang amat la when nick tell beth dat he really luv beth.. kinda luvey-dovey gitu n they plan to marry in rome using the same paderi {kawan nick}..
memang cantik sangat beth's wedding dress.. however, beth lari kuar from the church hall during the 'i do' of her part.. cam tak sanggup kawen if nick is still under that spell menyebabkan she return the coin to him back.. turn out dat coin belong to the paderi yang dok jeles manjang during the wedding vow tu..
oho, didn't i say all the 4 pax invited to the wedding?? nice one..
ending of the movie is beth n nick smooching kat fountain of love tu.. cam tak sempat kawen lagi jer, hehe.. during the credit time {yang ending story ader list nama suma pelakon, pengarah suma tu}, suma orang menari dengan best nyer.. beramai2 gitu..
out of 10, i give 8 la for the movie.. parts yang best kat movie ni during that 4 guys plus nick nak mencuri hati beth.. for the ending, romantic comedy mestilah heppy kan??
oh, ader part during nick n beth nak buat their 1st date gitu.. si nick ni ajak beth pi kat restaurant yang gelap giler, tak nampak apa pun, complete blindness tapi masih dikejar oleh these 4 pax.. ader jugak time kawan nick help to investigate beth yang menyebabkan beth di-cop player sebab ader ramai sangat spare-part padahal suma tu under spell nak mengejar her luv..

part takleh blah masa si artist tu kejar beth semata2 nak lukis her feet.. beth lari cam nak rak sebab takut he is sumkind of pervert..
hmm.. i refresh my mind on the movie using this website as my reference.. but i memang tengok real la, cuma tak dan la nak catat satu2 sepanjang wayang kan.. my priority of movies memang comedy/romantic/animation.. so, jenis2 ni jugak la yang akan di-review-kan for most of my wayang parts yer..
dah tengok citer ni.
best kan?
best sangat~~~ cantek kan wedding dress dia?? hihi.. :p
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