iyo lah.. simpanan semakin susut ni, kene keje keras n kumpul duit balik sebelum merayap2 lagi.. huhu..
in conjunction of my craving for "when in rome".. dah shout beberapa kali in blog n fesbuk..
supposely nak jumpa ida maybe in alamanda jugak, dah alang2 tu leh pi tengok movie ni.. macam nak buat 2-dates-in-a-row, which the 1st session with rina n the 2nd one ialah with ida.. arranged for both at the same time after dat, tapi in the end ialah ida tak jadik datang n just the two of us hangout n spend time together-la.. hoho..
fetch rina kat umah.. spent sum time to wait her bersiap.. oh, earlier on i bake sum apple muffins for her {actually them}.. macam tukar2 hadiah plak.. i gave sum muffins n a t-shirt, she gave my presents of a t-shirt, wallet n pens from medan.. oleh2 from there a.k.a my belated birthday present gitu..
after wayang n after maghrib, i insisted on dine in manhattan fish market.. macam nak refresh sebab last year pun jejak restoran yang sama, tapi kat bukit tinggi klang plak lebih kurang dis time kan..
so here we are..
sum environment kat dalam tu.. gamba captured using mine n her phone cameras.. mixed up sket la quality nyer, huhu..

we're having these for our dinner together..
dalam bekas hitam tu plak ader chilli sauce, white sauce n ginger?? chilli sauce tu pedas la, rina dok abeskan 2-2 bekas.. white sauce tu sedap sangat, cecah2 ngan my fries tu.. i'm the one plak yang abeskan white sauce ni.. while halia tu nobody touch, cam weird la.. taktau aper perasaannyer.. hoho..
enjoying moments of girly time.. takder cover2 lah.. cik kak sorang ni memang dok snap n candid me all dis while?? gosh, gamba buruk2 suma di-upload kat fesbuk ni.. siap buat album lagi for my day..
here goes from both cameras..
gamba secara solo..

cermin shots of us..


sum creative shots from rina..
both of us cam rilex sangat during dis lepak time.. citer about all the stupid things, problems.. for girls our age, maybe sum words do not belong to us anymore.. just living life n enjoying the every moments left.. thank god for making us gud listeners for each other even though sumtime annoying.. oho, dat cannot help la, haha..
look forward for the bali n hong kong planning in the future.. haa, cairo trip ko leh belasah jer ikut.. lagipun, bukan nak dok umah sangat pun, lebih kepada merayap sepanjang hari.. cepat2 kumpul duit lebey n make it real babe.. (^_^)
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