summore my w980 ader kekurengan sket di keypad # pas jatuh ntah biler ntah.. perasaan yang agak kureng best sket bila menekan2 kalau di-compare ngan other buttons..
kalau diikutkan, since tahun lepas lagi dah target dis fon since baru2 kuar model ni.. tapi apakan daya, duit tak ada.. tak dapat nak nolong.. hoho..
n since really badly to cheer up myself, terpaksa lah decide {eceh, terpaksa konon} untuk membeli beliau.. my new bebeh..

amik gamba sendiri tak berapa chantek, terpaksa cari image kat pakcik google.. sini-lah..

main purpose membeli selain di atas, sebab in need for the camera yang 8.1 mega pixel tu.. i'm not really a gadget freak.. i pun takder la beria sangat nak angkut selai2 sekali harung.. mane nak letak henpon, kamera, mp3, latest plak nak ber-tenet.. ending-nyer, cari la selai henpon yang memiliki hampir kesemuanya dengan the best quality to satisfy my hunger ni.. ayat takleh blah, haha..
the features dat i found outstanding includes.. 8.1 mega pixel camera as stated above tu.. takyah nak beli camera canon ixus or sony cybershot for dis as dis fon kan sony ericsson, mesti dia pakai teknologi cybershot kan??? quality of pictures plak, am besten gitu..
another great2 experience is boleh wi-fi dengan mudah sekali.. no need to hustle lah.. as my tenet kat umah is wireless atau dengan nama fofular-nya is wi-fi, with 2 klik, dah ready for tenet-ting.. takyah nak tunggu pc umah yang lambat sangat nak load tu dah.. menjimatkan masa n tenaga.. hihi..
about sound system tu, memang undeniable la.. walaupun bukan model w, but dis is a walkman fon jugak.. n dat's what another reason dat i choose, would be with music all the times.. clear stereo lah..
bab messaging, ada conversation la.. as per said, memang la i bukan orang gila gadget.. tak reti la bab2 ni.. n tak amik port kalau tak berminat.. conversation cam iphone.. ada dialog box gitu.. oh, tapi bila ada new message, dia tak seperti the other se fon yang appear sekali beberapa perkataan awal message.. or maybe fon se baru2 camni kot??
but i think the other reason attracted jugak is because of the screen.. oh, memang suka betul.. the wide touch screen memang puas la pakai.. nak amik gamba pun heaven jer.. dengan face detection lagi, ada flash, auto focus n touch focus.. wah wah wah.. in order for me to capture the moment, i boleh terus touch the screen n terus amik gamba gitu.. takyah nak tekan2 butang kat tepi tu walaupun ada..
emm.. the touch screen tu untuk entertainment jer tau.. memang la rasa agak kureng sket sebab other function takleh nak touch.. but it is fon yang ada keypad key?? bukan touch screen semata-mata.. no qwerty n i feel so comfortable with dat.. walaupun keypad agak kecik {w980 besar dan bulat2 gitu} n menyempit2 sket di bawah, but ok jer kot.. my fingers pun takder la besar sangat.. muat, muat..
ehehehehehe.. suka cakap banyak dia..
ok la, last2..
tak sah if i don't talk about food kan??
puas haa makan mcd dah, padahal yang mengidam tu akak-nyer.. so badly, makan black pepper chicken mcdeluxe.. kacau suda diet, hoho..
but everything stated atas just my personal view of an aino user.. maybe others ada yang tak setuju, tapi no hal la.. i just commenting what i feel good of my stuff.. hoho..
enjoy the weekend y'all!!
but everything stated atas just my personal view of an aino user.. maybe others ada yang tak setuju, tapi no hal la.. i just commenting what i feel good of my stuff.. hoho..
enjoy the weekend y'all!!