
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

nak resign, leh tak??

i am damn tired la ngan keje sekarang.. letih sesangat..

i've done so many jobs macam foc for already setahun lebih..

everytime my colleagues berenti, dis pembantu am la dok meng-take over keje2 yang diorang tinggalkan tu.. suma yang berenti tu, dah la gaji mencanak2 jauh lebih tinggi daripada dis pembantu am.. tapi cam tak reti2 jer nak naikkan my salary.. everytime ialah akan give the economy reason.. but then, kenapa orang lain leh naik, but not me?? the one yang able to do all the jobs, much2 better than yang meninggalkan beban tu kepada pembantu am ni??

i'm not always complaining.. but then, it's not worth to wait anymore.. my energy, skills n thought were used more than i can stand.. n now i cannot stand..

tak kesah la kalau sesape nak bising2 pun.. but i really2 need to walk away..

my family already give the green lite for me to be a penganggur sementara nak dapat keje baru ni.. but in the mean time, the search for the new one kene dipertingkatkan lagi..

my dearest still want to tahan me from resign.. maybe becoz dia tak yakin with my decision.. but i really do n dis is my life.. how long can i stand if i still there?? tak boleh yang.. really.. u just don't understand.. u look from ur eyes, from ur perspective, but then.. u never think about me.. even in a day pun leh kira how much time u have for me.. ni plak for bigger things than that..

my plan is to submit my letter in the middle of february.. my 1 month notice will end my service on the middle of march.. so, dunno yet la if i really have money tak on my birthday in april.. huhu..

even if my salary will increase after the letter.. i'm just sorry.. i cannot tahan anymore.. i need more time on myself n my life, other than thinking about work n office all the time..

hopefully, i can get a replacement soon so then i will not mati kutu kat umah.. i'm just a workaholic, n dat's what make me a busy human.. berilah kekuatan kepada diriku ini ya allah.. ameen..


N a d i a said...

skrang ni keje kat private Co. ker?
try lah cari
govt. post.. keje takder lah goyang kaki
tapi I think it's still worth it..
nnt kot kot ade dengar mane² kosong,
I'll inform U k.

akak eskrem said...

cikpah: dis time, yes.. rasenyer dah bulat ati pas dapat bonus raye cina ni anta 1-month notice la.. i'm too tired to handle dis.. keje 4-5 position for my basic pay of appointment letter.. lagipun, rasenyer enuf already la all the stress.. i can handle it without complaining.. but until 1 stage, i have to quit la.. tq dear for having faith on me..

nadia: sekarang private co as private assistant of director.. i'm having admin n hr side of experience.. searching for new experience in hotel industry.. lagipun, admin leh masuk memane kan.. try n hope for any chance possible.. masih kene menguatkan tekad n membanyakkan usaha untuk cari keje lain ni.. hopefully, tak keputusan keje sebab nanti leh mati kutu.. gov sectors? if there's any chance to grab, absolutely i will try too.. thanx dear..

ixora said...

betul3... i think u should resign. dont let others take u for granted. u got the qualification, u got the experiences. please la.. find another job that suit u. tu la...suh further study xnak...hahahahahhaahha~

akak eskrem said...

tasha: takmo sambung stadi~~~~ hamba tak pandai la.. huhu.. yes2, memang kene resign ni.. tapi kene dapatkan bonus dulu, baru blah.. huhu..